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If you know of others who would be interested in joining the Green Coast Council, please send them the GCC Brochure which you can access by clicking here. For more information, please contact Mark Berte at

The Green Coast Council is a forum for business and industry leaders who practice and promote environmental sustainability principles. Through meetings, conferences and actions, the Council provides positive environmental leadership throughout coastal Alabama. The Green Coast Council (GCC) is an initiative of the Alabama Coastal Foundation, Inc. , which has the mission to improve and protect Alabama’s coastal environment through cooperation, education and participation.


Membership in the Green Coast Council is open to any business, nonprofit and individual that has an active interest in environmental management and sustainability. To be a GCC Member, non-refundable annual Membership dues of $250 are to be paid in June. If an organization or individual wants to join the GCC during other parts of the year, the dues will be pro-rated. The Alabama Coastal Foundation (ACF) will send invoices, collect payments and maintain the membership list for the GCC. Each GCC Member has one vote per Membership, regardless of how many representatives are present at a meeting. Any GCC Member entitled to vote may vote in person at a meeting or by email. To view the Green Coast Council Charter, please click here.

Benefits for Members:


  • Vote on any matter including selecting the Officers and taking action as a Council

  • May participate or send any of their employees to participate in any GCC meeting


The ACF will work with the GCC Officers and Members to facilitate at least five (5) meetings as well as one (1) conference every year. ACF staff will support GCC communications, arrange programs, provide meeting logistics, and assist with recruiting new GCC Members. In addition, the ACF staff will help support GCC actions, provided they are aligned with the ACF’s mission. A GCC Member may resign at any time, provided they submit their resignation to the GCC Chair and Vice-Chair by email.

Responsibilities for Members:


Each Council Member, recognizing the economic and environmental benefits of sustainable decision-making, takes on the responsibility within his/herown business to seek: 

  • Ways to cut waste

  • Reduce transportation costs

  • Reduce their impact on the environment through efficient use of water and electricity

  • Improve employee pay equity and benefits.


As coastal leaders of sustainable business practices, members should encourage other businesses to make sustainable decisions by sharing their own story and recruiting new GCC members to make Alabama's coastal region economically sustainable and environmentally responsible.

Green Coast Council Members:

Green Coast Council Chair: Paulette Doggett, Innerspaice

Green Coast Council Vice-Chair: Don Blancher, Moffatt & Nichol

Ray Anderson: The business logic of sustainability

This TEDTalk presentation by Ray Anderson underlines the core values of the Green Coast Council. His grandson, John Anderson Lanier, continues his legacy with the Ray Anderson Foundation and was the 2018 Sustainability Summit keynote speaker. The points made here are a timeless example of selfless drive towards more ecologically feasible business practices that benefit both the company and the environment.

Since 1993, the Alabama Coastal Foundation (ACF) has worked to promote a culture where environmental decisions are based on an accurate understanding of the underlying science, the dissemination of factual information, and the engagement of government, industry, and citizens to find solutions to our coastal challenges. We bring that vision into reality through our inclusive environmental stewardship approach.

Keep up to date on events and opportunities to improve and protect Alabama's precious coastal environment by following our social media platforms:

​​© 2025 by the Alabama Coastal Foundation.​

All Rights Reserved.

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If you would like to connect to your coast, please email, call, or write us:

(251) 990-6002

PO Box 1073

Mobile, AL 36633

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