Coastal Alabama Livable Communities Coalition

We hope that you will become a Coastal Alabama Livable Communities Coalition member today. To do so, please click here to pay for your $25 dues online. Or please click here to download and mail in your form with a check. Once we receive payment, we will add you to the Coalition's distribution list.
Information about the LCC and Membership
Background: In November of 2014, the Alabama Coastal Foundation convened a meeting of people who discussed the concept of forming a coalition to promote active, healthy living in coastal Alabama. Leaders from Mobile and Baldwin County communities were in attendance and expressed an interest in moving the concept into reality. A committee was formed to draft a Sign-On Form based on the discussion held during that meeting. Through three iterations of revisions, meeting with participants and others who expressed an interest, the Sign-On Form was completed.
The focus of the Coalition from 2015-2017 has been as follows: Health >> Wellness >> Lifestyle Activities such as cycling. (See above for a list of bicycle safety awareness accomplishments.) In 2018, the Coalition voted to also focus on walkability issues. For a list of Coastal Alabama Livable Communities Coalition members, please click here. For more information about the work of the Coalition, please contact ACF Coastal Coordinator Haley Jackson:
Accomplishments: We use proceeds from the Good Life Ride to help create the Bicycle Safety Campaign, the bicycle safety PSA videos below, purchase "Share the Road" bicycle safety vests, and update the Alabama State Driver License Manual. Changes to the Manual included an expanded and improved section on sharing the road with people on bicycles and the Manual's “Signs and Road Markings” chapter was also updated to include the "3 feet minimum" sign, "cyclists may use full lane" sign, and the sharrow road markings. The LCC has also created an online training for law enforcement officials to learn about how to safely and effectively enforce bicycle safety.
Law enforcement officers
Click the bicycle to learn more about the online safety training available for a Continued Education Unit.
Definition: A livable community* is one in which all residents—no matter their age or ability—can safely access quality of life activities in the areas of our environment, economy and social health.
Purpose: The Coastal Alabama Livable Communities Coalition's purpose is to create a healthy place in coastal Alabama to live, work, and play.
Broaden relationships and enhance effectiveness for organizational work.
Celebrate our collective and organizational accomplishments.
Increase capacity for research, media coverage and grants.
Learn what other communities are doing regarding Livability issues and share best practices from local community.
Provide education and training opportunities including speakers.
Accomplish systematic change through collective action.
Pay $25 annual membership dues per organization and designate a Coalition Representative and Alternate, if one is available.
Attend quarterly Coalition meetings and respond to email communications.
Watch for collaborative grant opportunities to support the work of the Coalition.
Participate, as time permits, on the Healthy Lifestyle Activities Committee and/or other subcommittees that are formed.
Amendment Process: This Sign-On Form may be amended by a two-thirds vote of all Livable Communities Coalition Members.
*A community is a neighborhood, town, city or unincorporated area in either Mobile or Baldwin counties.
Coastal Alabama Livable Communities Coalition Logo

In early 2016, students from a Faulkner State Community College graphic design class reached out to the Alabama Coastal Foundation offering to donate their time to design a logo. While ACF did not need a new brand mark, the Livable Comunities Coaltion was without a logo, so the students began researching the Coalition to find the prefect visual representation for the LCC.
The Coalition provided suggestions for edits after the students submitted draft designs, and a final version was approved at the May 26th, 2016, Coalition meeting. From the artist Seth Hinton, "The concept behind the logo is connectivity or a sense of belonging. The green and blue evoke land and water -- the environment where we interact and live. And the three circles represent living, working, and playing, which relates to the LCC's goal of making coastal Alabama a better place to live, work, and play. "